Additive Manufacturing business in PARTO is the result of R&D department’s efforts in identification of the latest global scientific and technological trends in the gas turbines industry, and monitoring key developments and progresses made in this area. Considering the impact of additive manufacturing on production of components, PARTO focused its business line on additive manufacturing of metals, ceramic, and polymer. Along with launch, operation and localization of its additive manufacturing shop, PARTO Company’s R&D department has initiated development and optimization of superalloys relying on the advanced knowhow that it has acquired throughout these years. Considering the unique advantages of additive manufacturing in design and redesign of components, including cost-effectiveness of manufacturing small batches and agility in integrated design and production of complicated components, the R&D department cooperated with technical and engineering units of the company to increase productivity in manufacturing gas turbine hot section and to tackle production challenges. Moreover, relying on the advantages of additive manufacturing to meet medical demands –including customization and shorter production time- PARTO has developed medical alloys including Ti64. These alloys are used as permanent implants in oral and maxillofacial surgery.

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